Ruddy brilliant!
This was awesome man, a great sequel to a great original debute. Keep this style up and u'll be an instant newgrounds sensation!
Keep it up!
Ruddy brilliant!
This was awesome man, a great sequel to a great original debute. Keep this style up and u'll be an instant newgrounds sensation!
Keep it up!
My god
this was so awsome, somehow u anaged to make it better then ur first one, but there's a bug (if it wasn't inteded) on level 17, all ur men die. Is this to end the game? or just an error, cause i was pretty surprised to find after an hours worth of game play to find all my men dead =(.
Well awsome job man, this game is fuckin spectacular, highly addictive, and very original, ur add ons made the game have a totally new approchs involving more tactics and immedeate descision making resulting in a Grade A flash game, good job!
Nice effort
It looked like a good game, but i really think u shoudl have chjeck points of some sort, cause when u gotta fight the alien, i don't htikt here was enuf time or notice casue it wa sjus tlike BLAH! dead. Meh,a nyways, good animations, sound and interactivity and nice job overall
Nice one
Not the most original idea i've seen in my life, but it was well executed, Shadow_of_hell can kiss my ass cause he has no fuckign clue how to do anything with flash. Very well done imo.
lol, thanks for the defense! he can lick my ass, just like in the video "The Smurfs:the lost episode". Watch it! It's hilarious!
Well, it wasn't too bad
i kept playing till i died, which i dont' do ver often, and althought it isn't original, i'd say it worthy =D
It was well done, but...
i didn't find it very fun, u had all the components to a great game, except an original theme and good entertainment =(
So far is is trunign out to be a promising flash submission. Now stop slacking, and start.... making. Can't wait till it's done
sound boards are fun :D
This is weird, all of a sudden, all these sound boards are coming from everywhere! this one would have to be one of the better ones, good job
Big improvement
A lot more challening, but a bit too challenfing if u ask me, lol.
Things i liked better :
- The blades instead of platform going faster only.
-Almost no time delay after hittign space
-More lives
- Level terrain variation
Things i likes better b4:
-Old landing zone was easier to anticipate
- The sheep i found better for landign zone
But who cares, great production :D
It wasn't that bad...
But i don't know how it got front page, had good effort, but just not enuf... variation.
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Age 36, Male
paper boy =P
williams =D
Joined on 12/7/02